Monday, July 31, 2006

to say i'm tired

would be an understatement.

currently sitting at the void deck of block 351 at clementi avenue 2 waiting for my groupmates to turn up, and leeching some poor soul's wireless... as to why i'm waiting here for them to turn up... it's a rather long story. haha =P

went to sleep tired last night. woke up tired today. very nice.

the weekend has been surprisingly entertaining. =]
went for NDP preview on saturday.. was pleasantly surprised by the amount of technology that went into the thing. heh. it's really cool! the stage layout was quite nice too =]
spent the larger part of yesterday at the botanic garden [which is very pretty]. it was raining quite a bit in the earlier part of the afternoon, but everything was happy and sunny by 4pm! hahaha. performance was fun. Cai Lilian is pretty and cute. the audience was good and responsive =] -> happy.
ate lots of yummy food last night at the grandma's house. or during the entire day for that matter. think i've been fattened quite a bit.

time to adjourn from this void deck madness.