Saturday, February 24, 2007

Paris, je t'aime
je veux vivre dans tes rues, tes quartiers, tes petits coins secrets

i think i have a crush on Natalie Portman.

go and watch "Paris, Je T'aime" all you people.

Friday, February 23, 2007

oh la la

sunny day
loose-fitting clothes
sexy curls
ice-cream cone
swaying palm trees


guess who/what/where?! =P

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

i will be a fool for you.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

if yesterday didn't happen,
there would be no today.

if there were no answers,
there would be no need for questions.

if i were shorter,
i would have picked up salsa.

if everything was equal,
there would be no point in making distinctions.

if you didn't notice me in the first place,
my theories would still have held.

if dreamscapes were real,
let me stay asleep in the world we belong in.

Monday, February 19, 2007

tu me manques.

Friday, February 16, 2007

l'essor de l'âme

nous sommes séparés par les océans, les vents de la terre et surtout un mur de doute.

"je te manque?"
-- une question très
très simple,
mais les réponses sont toujours compliquées.

aujourd'hui, je me suis souvenu des journées nous sommes passés ensembles.
des journées de tous les jours, des journées spéciales, des journées de tristèsse, des journées d'amour. de tous.
l'histoire qui ne peut pas être raconté aux autres.
on n'a rien perdu.

tous sont possibles.
[ il y a quelque chose dont je suis très sûre, mais je la garde comme un secret maintenant =) ]

si tu veux,
on peut faire détruit le mur.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

when skew lines met for the first time in a long time
finding themselves almost parallel again
a wretched heart and a weary spirit walking quietly almost
hand-in-hand sharing the sights and sounds
the sands of time trickling defiantly against restraining fingers
clutching at thin air stubbornly holding fast to what dreams may come
the secret garden within your embrace is a safe haven where
two hearts beat out a mighty tattoo driving monsters far away
stood cheek-to-cheek as you draw me close -
a delicate balance -
unconsciously understanding the subvocalisations of thoughts and fears
understanding us

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I don't quite know what to say here anymore.
Shall I recap everything that's happened in the past two months?
Shall I pay tribute to my departed friends?
I have no idea.
Hope I decide soon.

Seems like the personal life has become very happening of late. I wonder if it's a good thing; I've yet to decide whether the things that are happening are good or evil. Haha.

Les Communications Interculturelles. La Politique Mondiale. Les Rélations Internationales.
Récemment, j'ai réalisé que la vie est vraiment belle, donc j'ai décidé de vivre.
Bienvenue à
la nouvelle réalité.